Wing Wah Chinese Wedding Cake Packaging
This Chinese wedding cake packaging design focused on the traditional Chinese beliefs and values by illustrating the lucky gold fish pair gliding in ripples with joy and the magpie pair soaring in the sky to bring to the family an auspicious omen of happiness. The red package with gold foil finishes in Chinese ink and watercolour style added a modern twist of presentation, thus making it looks contemporary and elegant. Additionally, the cakes are arranged in even number for celebrating the eternal love of the couple.
Location: Hong Kong
Client: Wing Wah
Wing Wah Chinese Wedding Cake Packaging
This Chinese wedding cake packaging design focused on the traditional Chinese beliefs and values by illustrating the lucky gold fish pair gliding in ripples with joy and the magpie pair soaring in the sky to bring to the family an auspicious omen of happiness. The red package with gold foil finishes in Chinese ink and watercolour style added a modern twist of presentation, thus making it looks contemporary and elegant. Additionally, the cakes are arranged in even number for celebrating the eternal love of the couple.