Chinese New Year Parade 2010
The design for this exhilarating party was inspired by party poppers, which exploded with an exuberance of colours, glitter, spectacular sight and sound. The lavish-looking venue, inundated with explosive colours and exotic shapes, marvelled revelers from all over the world and convey the excitement and fun of the myriad of festivals celebrated in Hong Kong during the year.
Location: Cultural Centre, Tsimshatsui
Client: Hong Kong Tourism Board
Chinese New Year Parade 2010
The design for this exhilarating party was inspired by party poppers, which exploded with an exuberance of colours, glitter, spectacular sight and sound. The lavish-looking venue, inundated with explosive colours and exotic shapes, marvelled revelers from all over the world and convey the excitement and fun of the myriad of festivals celebrated in Hong Kong during the year.